How to debug scheduled tasks on Heroku

Debugging background tasks isn’t always easy and things don't always go our way, but that should not stop us from trying. We tend to subconsciously believe that things will workout on their own, but in reality, sometimes things break,  and they don’t fix themselves. There is hope! We can choose to be proactive when it comes to these situations and learn how we can get things back on track ourselves.  

In order to be adequately prepared, we must be aware of the signs that indicate something is broken. After all,  If you don’t know that something is broken, how will you fix it? With simple cron jobs on a VM or even with Heroku Scheduler, monitoring can be a tedious task. However, with Cron To Go, you have the option to set automated email notifications regarding failed jobs, simplifying the process.

In some cases, a job may not fail, but rather just not start, commonly due to issues in Heroku or AWS. Utilizing Cron To Go’s webhook notifications can help you recognize the root of the problem and stay in the loop, through monitoring job triggering and successful executions as well as job failures.

We don’t like to toot our own horn, but we hardly experience any downtime, unless AWS crashes. Nonetheless, you should subscribe to our Status page to stay notified in case things do go wrong.

Run and Monitor Scheduled Tasks on your Favorite Apps
Cron To Go simplifies the monitoring, alerting, and management of your cron jobs' performance, uptime, and status - ensuring seamless operation.
Try Cron To Go for free!

Check job execution history

So you got that dreadful notification, saying that a job has failed! Well, now is a good  time to find out what happened. To  do so, you can view the job’s execution history. For each execution, you can view the process exit code (anything above 0 is an error) and the error message received from Heroku by clicking the Actions item on the job and then View job history. Then, expand the failed execution.

Track issues on Heroku’s status page

Sometimes, you can blame Heroku for the errors. It may be that the service is temporarily unavailable, there may be intermittent errors, or there may be an incident you should track on Heroku’s status page. Subscribe to it to make sure you’re notified when incidents are acknowledged.

Job concurrency issues

In other cases, you may be trying to use dyno types that aren’t available in your app, or you have exceeded the limit of the concurrent number of one-off dynos in your Heroku app. Each dyno type has a different limit. You can resolve these situations by either changing your job schedules so that you don’t exceed the concurrency limits, improving the performance of your jobs by tuning your code to ensure that job runtime is not too long, or request a limit increase from Heroku.

Add a logging add-on

More often than not, it is your code that throws an error. The job execution history is able to be retrieved and displays the log from Heroku which should point you to the exception thrown in your code. However, Heroku only stores up to 1,500 log lines, so if your app writes a lot of logs or you’re looking at the failed job execution too late, the logs may already be gone. We recommend adding a logging add-on in order to have your logs stored and indexed, allowing you to quickly look up the right logs by copying the dyno name from the job execution (or even just the job id) and searching for it in your favorite logging add-on.

Job testing

Once you find the culprit and manage to fix the issue, we recommend that you run the job manually by clicking Actions -> Run Job Now to double check that the job is running correctly.

We hope this guide was able to help you find solutions or prepare you for the mentioned scenarios. Remember that being prepared is the key to resilience and getting back on track. If you have any questions or can use our help with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Post image by JohnArtsz from Pixabay