

Tech-based Advertising


Waterford, Ireland

Company Size


Sud Reddy, Senior Software Engineer
Sud Reddy, Senior Software Engineer
Automating our services using CronTo Go has saved everyone an immense amount of time and made a huge difference from the start.
(Sud Reddy, Senior Software Engineer)

The Company

Every successful company needs a good marketing strategy, and we all know how prominent a role social media plays in this. Over one billion users are active daily on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and others. Therefore, StitcherAds has been empowering leading B2C brands’ marketing campaigns on these platforms since 2012. Stitcherads caters to their customer’s brand value using dynamic advertising and offer them a wide range of services such as:

  • Omnichannel marketing
  • Streamlined remarketing campaigns
  • Sophisticated data analytics
  • Dynamic audience targeting

Within the process, analytics are used to understand consumer behavior and shape the ads that StitcherAds creates. That is where Sud comes in. As a senior developer working in the data department, he funnels data over to the platforms to be matched and used to better assist advertisers when targeting their audience. Being the one who implemented Cron To Go in the first place, we spoke to him to discover how it really fits into StitcherAds’ services.

Challenge: Time is valuable and so is automation

With all of the data, transactions, and integrations being managed, maintaining static and manual jobs is not ideal. Sud is an experienced developer, which means he can program everything from scratch, but he knows better. To focus on the special sauce that adds value for their customers, he searched for an automated, streamlined scheduler that can do the heavy lifting in the background and integrate seamlessly with StitcherAds’ product.

Solution: Cron To Go's reliable scheduling system

Everything is streamlined and easy to use.
(Sud Reddy, Senior Software Engineer)

Aside from the simplicity of Cron To Go’s scheduling system, features that are highly desirable for StitcherAds include:

  • Seamless integration with their systems via APIs that let you create, update and delete jobs and webhook notifications for monitoring.
  • Automatic job retries.
  • Store and retrieve metadata on the jobs for effective and easy management.
  • Manual job creation and management and the ability to run jobs ad-hoc for debugging purposes.
  • Responsive customer support.
  • Time zone support to keep sending reports at the same time of day during daylight savings switches.  

Results: Impeccable integration

Not only does StitcherAds utilize Cron To Go, it has entirely integrated the scheduling system as part of their service, coded into their app and used for collecting online and offline data to improve campaign performance and to send reports to customers automatically. The StitcherAds platform enables the end user to create and update Cron To Go jobs at any time without requiring any technical knowledge.

Cron To Go’s APIs and webhooks ease the complexity of task scheduling while StitcherAds developers focus on delivering the company’s unique value proposition.

Run and Monitor Scheduled Tasks on your Favorite Apps
Cron To Go simplifies the monitoring, alerting, and management of your cron jobs' performance, uptime, and status - ensuring seamless operation.
Try Cron To Go for free!